***Movie Spoiler***
An old woman refuses to open the Dibbuk box. She turns up the music to drown the Hebrew chants. An evil demonic spirit who is the taker of child souls is trapped inside the box.
The woman walks over to the box with a hammer. She attempts to destroy the box, but the demonic spirit throws her body around the dining room like a rag doll. The evil spirit eventually kills the old woman, crushing her skull against a glass table.
The old woman's son finds his mother dead. He yells and cries out. He sells away his mother's possessions at a yard sale. Emily asks her father to buy her the old antique box. Across the street, a female neighbor stares at Emily in weird way. Through the window, an old man with bandages on his face yells out. The woman immediately closes the curtains. Emily watches these two people show fear.
Emily opens the box that same night. She puts on the ring. She inspects the box to find a moth, a tooth, and a few other possessions. This is no ordinary box. It is obvious this box is evil.
Emily begins to feel weird. She tells her sister she doesn't feel like herself. The following events occur in The Possession, albeit they are not in sequential order:
- Emily is seen eating pancakes too fast. She keeps stabbing the pancakes and eating them really fast. Underneath the table, the pancake scene reveals to us that her leg has a limp or some profound movement that is not hers. The leg and the strange eating alerts us she is beginning her early possession.
- Emily stabs her father with the fork. She has no clue as to the reason she stabbed her father's hand. He dismisses her from the table.
- The demon box opens up and communicates with Em. She is wearing the ring that another person put inside the Dubbuk box. Therefore, the possession will take its course to complete the transformation.
- There is a moth infestation inside Em's room. The moth is a clear sign of evil. A locus conveys the devil. A moth has a connection to the devil.
- Em begins to gag. She looks inside her moth to find two fingers poking around. The demon spirit is growing inside the young girl.
- Clyde visits his old home to read scripture from the old Hebrew Bible. Em's demon flips the pages, and then uses telepathy to project the Bible across the room. She has an evil stare, though tears pour from her eyes.
- A classmate steals Em's bag. He attempts to open the box. She beats the pulp out of the boy. The teacher tries to restrain the violent Em.
- The demon spirit kills Em's teacher seconds after she opens the box.
- Em retrieves the box in a dumpster. The female spirit tells Em to punish her father in Hebrew. She refuses. The moths enter Em's mouth.
- Clyde visits a professor to request information on the box. The Dybbuk box is said to be evil. It contains a dark demon spirit we see often in The Astral Hell of the subplanes.
- Em holds a tooth he got from the box. Brett asks her what she has in her hand. She looks evil. He inspects the tooth. Her face begins to morph, with a hand pushing on the cheek and her eye showing only white. She tells Brett she hates him like she did her father.
- Clyde drives to New York City. He enters the Jewish community, where he meets Tzadok. The elder Jews are afraid of the Dibbuk box. They move away from the box, conveying it's extremely evil. Clyde cries for help, literally tearing up. The Jewish guys refuse to take part in the exorcism, as there is fear the demon spirit can attack and kill them.
- Tzabok agrees to help Clyde save his daughter. He needs to know the demon name. The demon name is revealed behind the glass (can't remember name).
- Em has a scary moment with making Brett's teeth fall out. His teeth rip out. The wind picks up, making Em look evil like The Omen devil kid.
- Tzabok performs a Jewish exorcism on the physical therapy floor. Clyde, Stephanie and Hannah must put a personal items of theirs inside the box. Clyde puts a necklace with his wedding ring in the box. Hannah cuts off a piece of her hair. Stephanie places a personal possession in the box.
- Tzabok begins chanting Hebrew verses and a prayer. Em grows agitated.
- The demonic spirit reveals its true form to everyone. Em's face changes into an evil look such as The Exorcist movie and The Rite ending. She attacks Tzaboth, strangling his neck to where she almost suffocates him to death. She exhibits supernatural powers.
- Em crouches down with an evil demon face. Her eyes change colors, then become pale white.
- Clyde chases after Em. He finds his daughter inside a morgue with deceased bodies on gurneys.
- Em keeps repeating the same phrase about being sorry to her dad. However, the voice changes to the demon spirits tone. He tells the demon to take him.
- Clyde's cell phone light goes out. Em climbs above him. We don't the entire scene unfold.
- In a room, Clyde and Em are hugging. Tzabok feels there is something wrong. He begins chanting the Hebrew verses again. It is revealed Clyde is now possessed. His leg appears like Em's leg in the pancake scene.
- Clyde is thrown across the room. He is pinned up against the wall. The demon begins to exist his mouth. It looks like a small demon crawling out his mouth, and onto the ground.
- Tzabok finds the ring spinning on the ground. He seals the box with draping a white Jewish linen over it.
- The family is saved.
- The twist ending involves the ring. Tzabok is driving Clyde's BMW. He never returned the ring back into the box. The exorcism is incomplete. With the Dibbuk box on the front seat, Tzabok drives down a residential street. At the last intersection, a truck crushes the car.
- Bystanders search the car wreckage. It is obvious Tzabok is dead. The wreckage scattered down the street.
- We hear a female voice chanting in Hebrew.
- The Dibbuk box is perfectly intact. It sits on the side of the road next to the wreckage.
You messed up the story completely!